
cheer 2

Cheer 有些什么意思

Cheer 有些什么意思

cheer KK: [] DJ: [] n.
1. 欢呼,喝彩[C] A cheer arose from the crowd when the president appeared. 当总统露面时,人群中发出了欢呼声。
2. 振奋,高兴[U]
3. 鼓励,激励[U] The doctor spoke words of cheer to the sick child. 医生向病孩说了一些鼓励的话。
4. 菜肴,酒菜[U] vt.
1. 欢呼,高呼;向...欢呼 The audience cheered the movie star as she walked on stage. 电影明星走上舞台时观众向她欢呼。
2. 以欢呼声激励[(+on)]
3. 使振奋,使快慰,使高兴 The thought cheered him. 这想法鼓舞了他。 vi.
1. 欢呼,喝彩 We cheered as he neared the finish line. 当他接近终点线时,我们喝起彩来。
2. 感到振奋,感到高兴[(+up)]




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