洋葱的英语为 Onion 读为:英 [??nj?n]? ?美 [??nj?n]?
1、词源解说 十二世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的oignon,意为洋葱;最初源自拉丁语的unionem。
2、英英释义 An?onion?is a round vegetable with a brown skin that grows underground. It has many white layers on its inside which have a strong, sharp smell and taste.(翻译:洋葱是一种圆形的蔬菜,表皮呈棕色,生长在地下。它的内部有许多白色的层,有强烈的气味和味道。)
3、词汇搭配 (1)onion bulbs 洋葱头 (2)of onions 有洋葱的味道 (3)onion in the salad 色拉里放的洋葱 (4)a few onions 几个洋葱 (5)onion oil 洋葱油 扩展资料? 相关蔬菜单词 1、carrot(胡萝卜):英 [?k?r?t]? 美 [?k?r?t] 例句:My?favorite?vegetables?are?spinach?and?carrot. (翻译:我喜欢蔬菜是波菜和红萝卜。) 2、pea(豌豆):英 [pi:]? ?美 [pi:] 例句:Pea?pods?burst?open?when?overripe. (翻译:豌豆过熟就会爆裂。) 3、tomato(番茄):英 [t??mɑ:t??]? 美 [t??me?to?]? 例句:atter?the?tomato?over,?then?dress?the?salad. (翻译 :把西红柿散放在上面,然后给色拉加调味汁。) 4、lettuce(莴苣、生菜):英 [?let?s]? ?美 [?l?t?s] 例句:Lettuce?was?grown?by?the?Ancient?Romans. (翻译:古罗马人最先种植莴苣。) 5、cucumber(黄瓜):英 [?kju:k?mb?(r)]? ?美 [?kju?k?mb?] 例句:A?cucumber?was?sliced?into?rounds. (翻译:黄瓜被切成了圆片。) 参考资料来源:百度百科-onion